利用規約/Terms of service
(6)SNSとは、Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, Twitter といった個人が利用し、情報を伝達するサービスをいう
3.1 当サービスを利用する場合、個人の場合は本人、団体の場合は代表者が当サービスの指定する内容を登録しなければならない。
3.2 登録された情報に基づき、当社は申込者がサービス利用に適切かを判断するものとする。尚、適切かどうかの判断はサービス提供中にも行われる場合がある。
3.3 サービス提供が不適切と判断された場合、当協会は申込者、契約者にその旨の連絡を行う。尚、その場合、不適切を判断した理由の開示は行われない場合もある。
3.4 登録内容に変更の必要が生じた場合、申込者は速やかに変更を行わなければならない。
3.5 登録を行っても、次の場合は登録できない、或いは当社が登録を拒否する。
6.1 契約者の事由により契約がキャンセルされた場合、当社は別途定めるキャンセル料及び
6.2 当社の事由により契約がキャンセルとなった場合、契約者から受け取った金額全額を
6.3 天災、暴動、交通機関の遅れなど双方のコントロールできない事由により、契約が
7.1 知的所有権、肖像権などの権利を侵害する行為。
7.2 当社、当協会及び通訳案内士を誹謗中傷する内容をSNSなどで拡散する行為
7.3 公序良俗に反する行為
7.4 当社、当協会、当サービスのホームページの改竄
7.5 当社、当協会、当サービスのホームページ内に存在する情報のハッキング
7.6 コンピューターウィルスの拡散
7.7 全国通訳案内士の指示に従わずツアーの遂行を妨害する行為
9.1 当社は当サービスの提供を行うにあたり取得した契約者,及び利用者の個人情報を当該業務にのみ使用し、外部への漏洩が起こらないように最大限の努力を払うものとする。
9.2 契約者および旅行者は当サービスを利用する過程にて取得した、当社及び関係会社、団体の秘密情報を第3者に漏洩してはならない。
第10条 有効期限
第11条 協議による解決
第12条 準拠法と裁判所

会社名 株式会社新東海旅行
所在地 〒110-0015東京都台東区東上野1-2-13カーニープレイス新御徒町2F
設立 2008年3月
代表者 河野文元
事業内容 旅行業
業務範囲 海外旅行・国内旅行
登録番号 東京都知事登録旅行業第 3-6035号 登録年月日 平成20年5月13日
営業所の名称 株式会社新東海旅行
旅行業取扱管理者 河野文元
Terms of Use
These terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms of Use") clearly state the matters that must be observed by the user when using the tour (hereinafter referred to as "this service") provided by Shin Tokai Travel Co.It is assumed that all users of the service have understood and accepted these rules.Please note that this service is provided by a tour operator selected by the Association.
It shall be accompanied by the user for the convenience of the user.
Article 1 Scope of Application
1.1 This Agreement sets forth the rights and obligations between the Company and the User and applies to all relationships between the Company and the User.
1.2 The rules and regulations relating to the Service that we may post on the Website from time to time are part of this Agreement.
Article 2 Definitions.
Each term in these terms and conditions shall have the following meanings.
(1) "Interpreter Guide" means a person who is nationally certified as a National Interpreter Guide, approved by the Association, and has sufficient knowledge and experience to provide services to the Company.
(2) "Intellectual property" means the copyrights, trademarks, utility models and patents owned by the Association and any other organizations and corporations involved in the tour when providing the service.
(3) "Service" means a tour provided by the Company.
(4) "Subscriber" means an individual who has established a contractual relationship with the Company in order to use the Service.
(5) "User" means all individuals who use the Service.
(6) "Applicant" means an individual or organization that wants to use the Service.
(6) "SNS" means Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, Twitter and other services used by individuals to communicate information.
Article 3 Registration
3.1 When using the Service, the individual or the representative of the group must register the information specified by the Service.
3.2 Based on the information registered, Tonchidot shall determine whether an Applicant is appropriate to use the Services.The determination of suitability may be made even during the provision of Services.
3.3 The Association shall notify the Applicant and Contractor of any judgment of impropriety in providing the Service.In such a case, the reason why the service is deemed inappropriate may not be disclosed.
3.4 The Applicant must make changes to his or her registration information as soon as possible if it becomes necessary to do so.
3.5 Registration cannot be made or will be rejected by us if
(1) The Company is unable to secure a qualified interpreter for the desired date.
2)The registrant is a member of anti-social forces.
(3) When the registrant's information is significantly different from the facts
(4) When a registrant interferes with our business
Article 4: Formation of Contract
The contract between the applicant and our company shall become effective when the applicant has paid the full amount of the tour fee described in the homepage of our service.
5 Change of contract
If it becomes necessary to change the content of the contract after the contract has been formed, the other party must be contacted promptly to find a point of agreement.If the contract is cancelled due to a change, it shall be handled in accordance with the cancellation policy set forth in the following article.
Article 6 Cancellation Policy
6.1 If the contract is cancelled for the Subscriber's reason, the Company will pay a cancellation fee and an additional fee to the Subscriber.
The amount of the refund minus a fee for the refund shall be refunded to the Subscriber.
6.2 If the contract is cancelled by the Company for any reason, the full amount received from the Contractor shall be paid to the Company
The contractor shall be refunded.
6.3 Due to natural disasters, riots, transportation delays and other events beyond the control of both parties, the contract is
In the event of cancellation, the full amount received from the contractor will be refunded to the contractor.
shall be.
Article 7 Prohibited Matters
The Subscriber shall not do any of the following.If the Subscriber is found to have committed any of the following acts, the Company shall immediately cease providing the Service and shall cancel the registration of the Subscriber and shall not reimburse the Subscriber for any amount paid.
7.1 Infringement of intellectual property rights, rights of publicity and other rights.
7.2 Spreading slanderous or defamatory information about us, the Association or interpreter guides on social networking sites.
7.3 Actions against public order and morals
7.4 Alteration of the website of the Company, the Association or the Service
7.5 Hacking of information that exists on the website of the Company, the Association or the Service
7.6 Spread of computer viruses
7.7 Failure to follow the instructions of the National Tourist Guide and interfere with the conduct of the tour.
Article 8 User's responsibility
In the event that the company suffers damage due to the user's intent or negligence, the user must compensate the company for the damage.
Article 9 Confidentiality
9.1 The Company will use the personal information of the Subscriber and the User obtained in the course of providing the Service only for the purpose of providing the Service and will make every effort to prevent leakage of such information to any third party.
9.2 The Subscriber and the Traveler shall not disclose to any third party any confidential information of the Company or its affiliates or organizations that is obtained in the course of using the Service.
Article 10 Expiration Date
These Terms of Service are effective from registration until the end of the service.However, Articles 7 and 8 will survive after that.
Article 11: Settlement by consultation
Any matter not mentioned in these Terms and Conditions or any question regarding the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be settled promptly by faithful consultation between the Company and the user.
Article 12 Governing Law and Court
This agreement is governed by the laws of Japan.Therefore, any question or dispute arising out of this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.